
Having a place to call home offers a sense of security and stability that has no price. A home is not a luxury; it is a fundamental human right. Sadly, today's unforgiving economic climate, coupled with rapid changes to our nation’s cities, has created a housing insecurity crisis that affects millions of Americans. Would-be homebuyers are confronting escalating home prices and ever-tighter credit requirements. Meanwhile, renters face displacement and possible homelessness as the cost of living rises and incomes stagnate. In response to this crisis, the National Urban League has doubled down on protecting and expanding safe, affordable housing for all.

Through our Financial Empowerment Center and programs like Comprehensive Housing Counseling and Restore Our Homes, our housing division is creating opportunities for the most vulnerable of us to achieve housing stability and security. Find out how you can support – or take advantage of – these programs today. 


2025 Empowerment Goal:

Every American lives in safe, decent, affordable and energy efficient housing on fair terms


Home Is Where The Wealth Is

A National Urban League Homeownership Campaign

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Signature Programs

Financial Empowerment Center

The Financial Empowerment Center (FEC) assists low and moderate-income families to reach financial stability, increase their net worth, and become financially secure and upwardly mobile. To that end, we help families to earn more, keep more of what they earn, begin to build savings and assets, and move up the economic ladder.

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Virtual Financial Empowerment Center

Virtual Financial Empowerment Center (VFEC), a National Urban League initiative, provides free professional financial counseling to Urban Leaguers, empowering them to overcome financial challenges and take control of their future.

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GoalUp - Financial Empowerment Application

In partnership with the National Urban League and DoorDash, Goalup.org offers professional, financial counseling as a free service to enable Dashers and Urban League clients to address their financial challenges, needs, and take more control over their futures. The Financial Empowerment website supports Dashers across the country to develop and implement financial counseling as a free service, along with strategic research to enhance the success of financial counseling.

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Comprehensive Housing Counseling

The National Urban League’s Comprehensive Housing Counseling provides a range of services that makes housing options more accessible and sustainable for African American and other minority renters, homeowners, and the homeless.

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Restore Our Homes: Foreclosure Prevention

Mortgage losses from the 2008 recession hit Black ownership the hardest. According to a recent study, Black homeownership is at its lowest point since the 1960’s. The National Urban League’s Restore Our Homes program strives to increase the financial stability and property values within African American and other minority communities affected by subprime loans and foreclosures.

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