About Equitable Justice & Strategic Initiatives

The Equitable Justice & Strategic Initiatives (EJSI) division of the National Urban League was founded in direct response to the social justice uprising of 2020. The division provides state and local advocacy strategy and rapid response to the National Urban League’s 90+ Affiliates. From policy guidance and research to coalition-building and convening conversations, EJSI seeks to expand the power of the Urban League movement by making it more accessible to our partners and the communities we serve


Criminal Justice Reform & Restoration


Voting, Civic Engagement & Democracy


Safe & Equitable Communities

At the forefront of our response to the calls for social justice and equity is the belief and principle that ALL PEOPLE HAVE A

EJSI’s campaigns drive policy, advocacy, and convenings for criminal justice reform and rights restoration, seek to make police accountable to people, and reign in on the systems that have served as a gateway to prison and civil rights abuses.

Our right to vote is sacred, and it is under attack. We are a leading voice in advocating for the protection of the right to vote for all Americans, regardless of race, gender, religion, or zip code.

Our programs not only advocate for stronger protections but use a coordinated grassroots approach to registering and educating voters nationwide.

Our theory of change is that communities are safer when public institutions address social issues, promote healthy responses to trauma and adopt community-led solutions.

In line with EJSI’s criminal justice and police accountability work, advocating for community-led solutions to violence and supporting gun reform are growing areas of focus.

Our Advocacy Areas

Reimagining the Justice System

At the forefront of our response to the calls for social justice and equity is the belief and principle that all people have a right to justice and fairness.  

EJSI’s campaigns drive policy, advocacy, and convenings for criminal justice reform and rights restoration, seek to make police accountable to people, and reign in on the systems that have served as a gateway to prison and civil rights abuses.




Civic Engagement & Democracy

Our right to vote is sacred, and it is under attack. We are a leading voice in advocating for the protection of the right to vote for all Americans, regardless of race, gender, religion, or zip code.Our programs advocate for stronger protections and use a coordinated grassroots approach to registering and educating voters nationwide.




Restoring Our Communities

Our theory of change is that communities are safer when public institutions address social issues, promote healthy responses to trauma, and adopt community-led solutions. In line with EJSI’s criminal justice and police accountability work, advocating for community-led solutions to violence and supporting gun reform are growing areas of focus.



2024 Expungement Day and Criminal Justice Reform Advocacy

The National Urban League's Expungement Program champions second changes, sponsored by State Bill 288, to support those burdened by criminal records.

Rallying to Pass the SMART Act in California

To combat California's long, complicated history of racial profiling incidents, the National Urban League and four California affiliates, the Los Angeles Urban League, the Greater Sacramento Urban League, the Urban League of San Diego County, and the Urban League of the Greater San Francisco Bay Area rallied at the state capitol for the passage of California law S.B. 50, known as the SMART Act, which stands for Stopping Malevolent Altercations Regarding Traffic Stops.

Calling for More Just Conditions in Texas Prisons

The National Urban League rallied at the state capitol in Texas to push the state to pass the Second Look Act to allow some who committed crimes as teenagers that courts tried as adults to be considered for parole sooner.  The bill would give youth offenders convicted of certain offenses a second look for parole at 20 or 30 years instead of 40.

NUL also pushed lawmakers in the state to allocated funds for HVAC and air conditioning in the state's prisons. At least 135 people died in Texas prisons during a historic global heatwave between June 1 and August 12, 2023. 

No one deserves to be baked alive. We strongly urge the Texas Legislature to end the unbearable and inhumane suffering by fully funding the installation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) in all Texas detention facilities.


2025 Empowerment Goal:

Every American has an equal right and responsibility to fully participate in our democracy and civic processes, and all people have a right to justice and fairness.



Community-Led Safety

In the wake of a 30% rise in firearm violence across the United States since the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Urban League and the Urban League Affiliate movement has been working harder than ever to address the immediate needs of the communities we serve while advocating for state and federal gun reform measures.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Since 1910, the mission of NUL has been to uplift and empower African Americans and historically marginalized communities. As a result, NUL has been actively engaged in diversifying America’s workforce for over 100 years prior to the coinage of DEI as the shared expression for this work. With the recent emergence and fast-paced, widespread adoption of DEI, many public and private organizations are now developing initiatives aimed at achieving a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable workspace. With decades of deep subject matter expertise, let NUL use its experience and resources to make your organization a more equitable workplace.

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Urban League Fights for You

State legislatures are leading attacks on voting rights, and extremists are manipulating the legal system to limit access to higher education and the workforce. None of this is by accident, but the National Urban League has a plan to work alongside the Urban League movement, our civil rights partners, and elected officials to create a future where every American is safe, has fundamental human rights, and can achieve their own version of the American Dream.

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Police Reform

For too long communities around the nation, particularly Black communities, have had their lives, safety, and freedom threatened by discriminatory and violent policing. Our communities deserve to feel safe in their homes, in their cars, and on their streets, including being safe from police violence. The 21 Pillars presents a look at what is possible – a plan forward. Public safety must be re-envisioned.

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