Urban League Of Greater Chattanooga And CEO Receive National Honor

By National Urban League
Published01 PM EST, Wed Jan 22, 2025
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By Chattanogan.com

The Urban League of Greater Chattanooga and its president and CEO, Candy Johnson, have been honored with the John W. Mack Medal of Honor during the National Urban League Conference, held in New Orleans. These distinguished affiliates are designated as "Affiliate of the Year" for their respective market sizes. This award recognizes high-performing affiliates across the nation and celebrates their "exceptional leadership and unwavering dedication to supporting marginalized communities."

The John W. Mack Medal of Honor is awarded to Urban League affiliates that demonstrate outstanding performance in their respective market sizes—large, medium and small. The Medal of Honor was presented to four Urban League CEOs (Metropolitan St. Louis; Palm Beach County, Florida; Springfield, Illinois; and Chattanooga, Tennessee) by National Urban League President Marc H. Morial and NUL Board Chair Tim Murphy of Mastercard at the conference’s Whitney M. Young Jr. Awards Gala. The recognition underscores the organization’s role as a champion of change and its effective leadership in advancing economic empowerment, social justice and equity.


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