Historic Census Undercount of Black Americans Robs Communities of Billions in Funding and Fair Political Representation
NEW YORK -- A historic undercount of Black Americans in the 2020 Census could rob Black communities of billions of dollars in federal funding...
Demography is Destiny - The United States Needs an Accurate Black Count
Recent independent research conducted on the 2020 Census Black count estimates a potential net undercount of the Black population at extraordinarily high levels. If these estimates are anywhere near accurate, implications for Black communities and the Nation, overall, will be far reaching. The simulation, conducted by Connie Citro, Ph.D., a senior scholar at the Committee on National Statistics at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, calculated a net Black 2020 Census undercount (for persons choosing Black Alone), between 3.24% and 7.25%--potentially three times greater than the 2.3% net undercount in 2010.
National Urban League & Lawyers Committee Urge Census Bureau to Extend Deadlines Due to Coronavirus
NEW YORK (March 13, 2020) -- National Urban League and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law today called on the Trump Administration to extend the deadline to respond to the decennial Census, in light of the coronavirus crisis.