Senate Must Act To Protect American Democracy From Unprecedented Attacks

By National Urban League
Published05 PM EDT, Thu Sep 19, 2024

National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial issued the following statement regarding the passage of H.R. 1 in the House of Representatives: 

“We have watched in dismay as state lawmakers around the country responded to record turnout among voters of color with aggressive, racially-motivated restrictions on voting.  The House of Representatives admirably stood against this anti-democracy movement last night by passing a sweeping expansion of voting rights contained in the For the People Act. Now the Senate must do the same.

“Just this week, an attorney representing some of the anti-democratic state lawmakers stood before the United States Supreme Court and made an astonishing admission: the reason they seek these restrictions isn’t large-scale voter fraud, which is non-existent, but a blatant partisan power grab.  Nothing could illustrate the crisis we face more succinctly.

“If we truly value a government of the people, by the people, and for the people; if we are committed to the principle of one person one vote regardless of party affiliation; if we expect to realize the promise of racial equity under the law, immediate passage of the For The People Act is critical.”



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