A Commitment To Social Justice and Driving Change
At the National Urban League, fighting for justice is more than an ideal. For over 100 years, we have been on the front line of creating opportunities and protecting the rights of African-Americans and other marginalized communities.
But we can't do our work alone. This unique partnership is part of the NFL’s $250 million commitment over the next 10 years to reducing barriers to social justice.
For the Urban League, the NFL’s support allows for the expansion of counseling services to assist homeowners and renters find and maintain affordable, accessible housing, and “urban reentry” efforts that help the thousands leaving the criminal justice system find employment and successfully re-establish themselves in society.
The NFL and the NUL are committed to empowering communities struggling to overcome the economic challenge of the COVID-19 crisis, and the history of systemic disenfranchisement to individuals who need and deserve opportunities to move toward equality.
The Impact

Since the launch of this partnership last fall, the NFL has funded five Urban League affiliates to help families impacted by COVID-19 get back on their feet. We're at the beginning of this partnership, but we've already seen 10 new homeowners with the help of down payment assistance and look forward to changing many more lives.
Affiliate Success Stories
How One Woman's Journey to Homeownership Was Revived by the Philadelphia Urban League and the NFL The NFL
Social Justice Initiative and Chicago Urban League Partner to Save a Man’s Life
Urban Reentry Jobs Program
For many Americans, re-entering the workforce after a period of incarceration can be challenging. This hits communities of color, who are disproportionately represented in the prison system, particularly hard.
The National Urban League, which has served formerly incarcerated adults for more than 50 years, created the Urban Reentry Jobs Program (URJP) to address this inequity.
Comprehensive Housing Counseling
The National Urban League’s Comprehensive Housing Counseling provides a range of services that makes housing options more accessible and sustainable for African American and other minority renters, homeowners, and the homeless.