Urban League of Rochester Launches New Website to 'Interrupt Racism'

By National Urban League
Published09 PM EST, Tue Jan 7, 2025

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — There’s a new effort to address systemic racism and inequity in our community.  The Urban League of Rochester and RIT are working together on a project called "Interrupt Racism."  It's an online platform that organizers describe as a "community-wide" suggestion box.  They say it's designed to hear and uplift voices that might not otherwise have a say in policy decisions.  The platform is now live on the Urban League's website.  People can submit ideas through July 5.  Starting next week, people will be able to submit videos of their personal stories of racism.  The team will compile stories and suggestions in a final report.  They're hoping to use that report to come up with steps to address racism and inequity.

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