Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio Center for Social Justice Releases Report on Policing in Hamilton County
CINCINNATI - The Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio’s (Cincinnati, OH) Center for Social Justice released the “Policing in Hamilton County Report” this week. The report centers around responses to a 57-question survey from 30 local police chiefs. Survey questions focused on key issues relevant to local communities, including police training, data collection and transparency, accountability, and community oversight. The report also includes research on national trends in law enforcement and a list of recommendations for local departments to increase transparency and accountability and strengthen police/community relations.
Rickell Howard Smith, executive director of the Center for Social Justice, stated, “This report explores topics that often arise when a use of force incident occurs locally – use of force investigations, use of body cams, and community access to data detailing police/community interactions. We hope that this report can serve as a visible baseline to engage in real, lasting reforms across the county.”
The public can view the full report, executive summary, and fact sheets on key topics at https://www.ulgso.org/policing-in-hamilton-county.