Urban League of Greater Kansas City Releases “State of Black Kansas City”

By National Urban League
Published02 PM EDT, Sat Sep 7, 2024
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KANSAS CITY (Nov. 6, 2023) - The Urban League of Greater Kansas City (Kansas City, MO) recently held its 16th Annual Urban Summit Conference, where they released their 2023 "State of Black Kansas City" report.

The report, titled "From Redlining to Chalk Lines,” highlights the correlation between poverty, resource scarcity, and violent crime within the Black community in Kansas City.

The conference aimed to foster discussions on issues impacting the Black community in Kansas City.

Gwen Grant, the President and CEO of the Urban League, emphasized the need for significant financial investments in distressed communities, which is a root cause of crime.

“When people are locked into enclaves of poverty, crime is a result of that, so we have to stop doing piecemeal work and starting doing real work by making significant financial investments in our distressed communities,” she said.

For more information, please see the original article here.