Urban League of Greater Atlanta Receives $1M

By National Urban League
Published10 PM EST, Fri Jan 3, 2025
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ATLANTA (Feb. 13, 2023) - Mayor Andre Dickens announced the recipients of the first two cycles of the City’s Youth Development Grant Awards. A total of $1,000,000 in American Rescue Plan funds were awarded to the Urban League of Greater Atlanta (Atlanta, GA) to facilitate the issuance of the grants to local community-based organizations that provide programming and services to Atlanta students up to age 18 in grades K through 12.

“Just weeks into our Year of the Youth, we are making direct investments into the local non-profit organizations who know their communities personally,” said Mayor Dickens. “Atlanta is a group project, and these community partners will help us ensure all of Atlanta’s youth have the cradle-to-career support they deserve.”

Grants are awarded to existing, community-based non-profit organizations that provide innovative programming in need of additional funding to increase capacity to serve local students disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Applications opened to the public in August of last year and closed on January 9 of this year. A total of 161 organizations applied with grant requests totaling $7,255,673.00. This is $6,255,673 more than the $1,000,000 budgeted, demonstrating a critical need for investments in community-based organizations.

To read the full press release, please see here.