National Urban League Sends Letter to Congressional Leadership Urging Inclusion of Housing Investments

By National Urban League
Published05 PM EST, Tue Jan 14, 2025

National Urban League Sends Letter to Congressional Leadership Urging Inclusion of Housing Investments in Build Back Better Budget Proposal 

Washington, D.C. (February 4, 2022)  – Today, National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial issued the following statement after sending a letter to Congressional leadership urging inclusion of housing investments in the next Build Back Better budget reconciliation bill:

“Access to safe, decent, and affordable housing is a key part of our nation’s infrastructure. Ignoring the dire housing infrastructure needs facing communities nationwide poses a serious long-term threat to the very progress we hope to make by improving our roads and bridges. Given this reality, significant investments in our nation’s housing infrastructure constitutes a down payment on American families, particularly low-income and communities of color for whom the lack of sustainable housing opportunities has constrained economic opportunities for far too long. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the existing disparities that impact communities of color, especially when it comes to housing. As housing costs continue to rise, it is incumbent upon Congress to provide the American people with access to opportunities for home ownership and subsequent economic prosperity. This starts by passing the Build Back Better Act.

“Inclusion of robust housing investments is vital to addressing significant deficits our nation currently faces. These investments should, at the very least, include:

  • Allotment of significant resources to assist with the building of new affordable homes; 
  • Rehabilitation of existing homes;
  • Offering incentives to states to address local zoning and land-use barriers that inhibit the building of new affordable housing units;
  • Creating initiatives to increase awareness of available and sustainable homeownership opportunities through community-led organizations; and
  • Down-payment assistance for the millions of mortgage-ready first generation, first-time home-buyers.


“The National Urban League urges Congress to include these housing infrastructure investments in any final reconciliation package that may be considered this session and look forward to working with our Congressional leaders to ensure this gets done.”




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