National Urban League Honors Former CBC Chair Joyce Beatty with Champion Award During Legislative Policy Conference

By National Urban League
Published07 PM EST, Fri Feb 7, 2025

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 8, 2023) – The National Urban League today presented former Congressional Black Caucus Chair Joyce Beatty with the CBC Champion Award the final day of the League’s Legislative Policy Conference.

“Congresswoman Beatty has proven to be a force of nature on Capitol Hill as she has advocated for voting rights, policing reform, financial equity, access to healthcare and other important issues to the Black community,” National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial said. “It’s an honor to recognize Congresswoman Beatty’s tenacious work with this award today, and I look forward to continuing our partnership in the fight for civil and equal rights.” 

The award was presented during the Congressional Black Caucus Breakfast, a unique opportunity to bring leader of the Urban League movement and members of the CBC, and to and recognize the members’ exemplary leadership and commitment to urban empowerment. This year marked recognition of the largest and most diverse CBC delegation in history, with 58 members, including nine who are new to Congress this year.  

The Legislative Policy Conference brings together members of Congress, elected state leaders, and community advocates from across the country. President Morial initiated the Conference in his first year as the centerpiece of an economic empowerment agenda that redefined the League’s role in shaping public policy.