National Urban League Congratulates Justice Department Nominees, Who Face Enormous Challenge of Restoring Faith in the Rule of Law

By National Urban League
Published06 PM EDT, Thu Sep 19, 2024

NEW YORK (January 7, 2021) -- National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial today issued the following statement in response to President-elect Biden’s nominations for top Department of Justice positions:

“With these nominations, President-elect Biden has begun the process of restoring faith in the rule of law after four years of Donald Trump weaponizing the Department of Justice for his own personal and political gain. He has also demonstrated his strong commitment to racial justice and civil rights. 

“As I noted in 2016 when Judge Garland was outrageously denied a Senate hearing on his nomination to the Supreme Court, he has served with distinction on the Court of Appeals and as a private lawyer and prosecutor and is held in high regard by both peers and observers alike. His experience in supervising the prosecution of domestic terrorists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols is especially relevant in light of yesterday’s failed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. 

“The President-elect has further signaled his commitment to addressing the rising threat of domestic terrorism with his nomination of homeland security and counterterrorism authority Lisa Monaco.  With the COVID pandemic continuing to rage virtually unchecked, and the extent of Russia’s massive cyberattack still unclear, her expertise in these fields is critical

“It is the nomination of my esteemed sisters in the civil rights movement -- Vanita Gupta and Kristen Clarke – that gives the nation its greatest hope for real reform within the Justice Department. They both have spent their entire careers fighting for racial justice. President-elect Biden could not have made a better choice to fill these vital roles.

“The nominees face an enormous challenge to rebuild and restore what the Trump administration has dismantled and corrupted. But I have every confidence they are up to the task. I’m proud to offer the National Urban League’s congratulations and full support.”

Teresa Candori
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