Meijer Donates $1 million to 19 Urban League Affiliates Across the Midwest

By National Urban League
Published06 AM EST, Wed Dec 25, 2024
Meijer Donates $1M.jpg

Meijer is donating $1 million to 19 different Urban League chapters across the Midwest as part of the company’s ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion.

In Michigan, three Urban League affiliates will each receive $52,000.

They are the Southwestern Michigan Urban League (Battle Creek, MI), the Urban League of Detroit and Southeast Michigan (Detroit, MI) and the Urban League of West Michigan (Grand Rapids, MI) which was formerly known as the Grand Rapids Urban League.

Brenda Moore, interim president of the Urban League of West Michigan, called Meijer a “strong partner and supporter” of the organization.

“Since the late 1950s, Fred Meijer’s legacy included Meijer’s involvement with the Urban League and his participation helped the organization with its mission to improve the lives of Black families for over 78 years,” Moore said. “His trailblazing work with and through the Urban League made historical gains for local Black people through jobs, scholarships, clothing and general support.”

The Urban League chapters that received a share of the $1 million donation are:

  • Akron Community Service Center and Urban League (Cleveland, OH)
  • Chicago Urban League (Chicago, IL)
  • Columbus Urban League (Columbus, OH)
  • Fort Wayne Urban League (Fort Wayne, IN)
  • Urban League of West Michigan (Grand Rapids, MI)
  • Indianapolis Urban League (Indianapolis, IN)
  • Lorain County Urban League (Elyria, OH)
  • Louisville Urban League (Louisville, KY)
  • Milwaukee Urban League (Milwaukee, WI)
  • Quad County Urban League (Aurora, IL)
  • Southwestern Michigan Urban League (Battle Creek, MI)
  • Tri-County Urban League (Peoria, IL)
  • Urban League of Detroit and Southeastern Michigan (Detroit, MI)
  • Urban League of Greater Cleveland (Cleveland, OH)
  • Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio (Cincinnati, OH)
  • Urban League of Lexington-Fayette County (Lexington, KY)
  • Urban League of Northwest Indiana (Gary, IN)
  • Urban League of Racine and Kenosha (Racine, WI)
  • Urban League of Springfield (Springfield, IL)

To read the full article, click here.