With Help from Shenango Urban League, Small Business Weather COVID-19

By National Urban League
Published09 PM EST, Thu Jan 2, 2025
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FARRELL, PA – There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that small businesses have taken some of the biggest hits of this pandemic.

The U.S. Small Business Administration will try to help those small businesses by allowing nonprofits to provide necessary services such as counseling, training and technical assistance to small businesses, specifically those that are owned by underserved populations.

The Shenango Urban League (Farrell, PA) will take the monies given by the program to create The Community Navigator Pilot Program, which aims to assist local businesses overcome the challenges that have arisen due to the pandemic.

The Urban League will receive $25,000 a year for two years.

The pilot program will educate small business owners on marketing, business development, financial literacy, contracting and procurement, along with gaining access to grants and loans.

“A lot of bigger companies survived because of the chain they’re connected to,” said Shenango Valley Urban League Education Director Corwin Somerset. “Smaller businesses don’t have that chain. They don’t have that backup.”

President and CEO of the Shenango Urban League, Dr. Erin Houston, has stated, “We look forward to partnering with other local organizations that can help this work.” She hopes to receive support from other local finance institutions.

A series of information sessions and webinars are being planned to assist small business owners gather more information about the program.

“We’re looking to reach individuals both online and in person,” Houston said. “We want businesses to know that we’re here to support them, and we want to hear from them as far as what their needs are for growth.”

For further information, please read the original article here.