Chicago Urban League Helps the “Overlooked” Candidate

By National Urban League
Published09 PM EST, Thu Mar 6, 2025

CHICAGO (Oct. 3, 2022) – There is a new tool for candidates looking for work in Chicago.

The Chicago Urban League (Chicago, IL) is helping candidates who are traditionally overlooked by employers by working with a new company called Risekit.

Risekit works with non-profits to get overlooked candidates find work. According to Risekit’s CEO Matt Strauss, “Often our job seekers may have a barrier to employment or don’t have access to more jobs, their resumes might not be accepted in the applicant tracking systems.”

Karen Freeman-Wilson, President and CEO of the Urban League, says, “What the Urban League adds is the human factor. We look at their background, their resume, we suggest certain tweaks, we make the handoff to recruiters at companies.”

To get more information, please see the original article here.