Urban League of Greater Chattanooga Celebrates Equal Opportunity Day

By National Urban League
Published03 AM EST, Sun Dec 22, 2024
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CHATTANOOGA (Dec. 11, 2023) - The Urban League of Greater Chattanooga (Chattanooga, TN) celebrated its 41st annual Equal Opportunity Day breakfast recently.

The event took place at the University of Tennessee’s Chattanooga campus on Thursday, Dec. 7th. The school was also honored as a community impact award recipient for its support of Urban League initiatives such as the Volunteer Income Tax initiative, among other Urban League programs.

Also honored at the breakfast was the City of Chattanooga – the city was recognized with the Inclusion by Design award for its commendable business practices and community engagement efforts at City Hall.

Valoria Armstrong, appointed to lead Unum's office of inclusion and diversity, received the Whitney M. Young Jr. ward for her exemplary leadership in advocating for justice. Armstrong, a former regional vice president for Chattanooga Gas and past chair of the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce, was acknowledged for her dedication to this cause.

Other award winners include Chazmin Hinton, Wendell Patillo, and Trinity Williams, who were presented with the Warren E. Logan Scholarship Award. Judge Curtis Collier and Dorothy Grisham were honored with board emeritus seats in recognition of their long-standing service, while the Young Professionals Auxiliary of the Urban League of Greater Chattanooga received the Spirit of the Movement award.

To get more information, please see the original article here.