The Plan

The Project is divided into four pillars that each address strategies necessary to continue the implementation of Project 2025

1) Political Agenda 

  • Increased Presidential Power and Fiscal Conservatism: Project 2025 aims to rebuild the legislative branch to increase presidential control, emphasizing cutting taxes and federal funding.
  • Dismantling Federal Departments, Agencies, and Welfare Programs: Plans include shutting down or defunding key departments like Education, Labor, and Justice, reducing welfare programs and government services, and impacting vulnerable groups.
  • Shift of Power to States and Disproportionate Access: While increasing the executive power, states will also have more control over their laws and policies, creating disproportions across the country

2) Personnel

  • Replacing Civil Servants: Project 2025 plans to replace about 50,000 non-partisan civil servants with individuals who pledge allegiance to the conservative agenda, ensuring all staff align with the project's goals.
  • Handpicked Staff: Employees who support the conservative goals will undergo intense training, while those who do not will be fired and replaced with handpicked supporters. These supporters are determined through the “training” pillar discussed below. As well as an intensive questionnaire relating to the project’s mission. i. Questionnaire Example: “Name the public policy issue you are most passionate about. Why are you passionate about this issue, and how would you like to see it addressed in the future?”
  • This question shows their vetting system for distinguishing which candidates share an aligned interest.
  • Implementation at All Government Levels: Project 2025 is already in action, filling courts with conservative supporters at local, state, and national levels to facilitate passing legislation and furthering their agenda.

3) Training

  • Presidential Administration Academy: To implement pillar 2, conservative supporters undergo online screening and classes via Presidential Administration Academy, which prepares them with the necessary tools to secure political positions, navigate media, and obtain security clearances in administrative positions.
  • The program vets individuals and determines who is fit to progress their plans by training them in conservative government tactics.

4) 180-Day Playbook

  • The 180-day plan is the agenda and goals the next president will set and follow in the first six months of their term. Every President sets it as they enter office. Trump got 60% of his 180-day done in his previous term.
  • Project 2025 focuses on consolidating executive power, dismantling federal agencies, and implementing far-right policies quickly to reshape the federal government and its operations.

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