The Urban Youth Pathways program is a DOL-funded program that provides youth/young adults ages 14-21 with career readiness training and exploration. Participants have access to career assessment tools that help direct focus their job interests, guide their training, and help expose them to career paths. Program experiences include part-time and full-time job placements, internships, behind-the-business tours, certification, and apprenticeship opportunities.

2025 Empowerment Goal:
Every American has access to jobs with a living wage and good benefits
Career Assessment
Part-time and Full-time Job Placement
Resume Writing Support
- Urban League of Columbus, OH
- Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
- Urban League of Greater Hartford
- Tri-County UL
- UL of Atlanta
- Buffalo UL
- UL of Louisville
- Columbus UL (GA)
- UL of Louisiana
- UL of Springfield (IL)
- Milwaukee UL
- Austin UL
- Houston UL