
Robert Jones

Vice President of Youth and Workforce Development

Robert W. Jones is the Vice president of Youth and workforce development. My past work includes working as a Branch Manager for Citi Financial and Wells Fargo Financial, program development and design, curriculum development, budget management, hiring/training staff, negotiating contracts/memorandum of understanding (MOU) between organizations, program planning, scheduling, program management, recruiting, and outreach. As part of my past work experience, I worked with the City of Seattle to develop and implement four successful programs: the Youth Green Corps program serving youths 18-24, the Youth Year-Round Program serving youths 15-17, Youth Wed Design Program and the Youth at Work Program  These four work readiness programs provided youths with multiple barriers to high school completion, the tools and support to not only graduate but to successfully choose a path to higher education or a middle-skill, middle-wage career. My current work provides community and in-school connection and/or project-based learning through workshops, academic tutoring, mentoring, and experiential learning activities for youth grades 6th - 12th.  The program uses the “voice and choice” model to actively engage youth and elicit youth participant input to shape programs and services.  Engaging youth in activities to pique their interest, the program focuses on the youth’s development through academics and social-emotional regulation. I have expert training in trauma-informed techniques and coordinated coursework in trades/entrepreneurship, life skills, career exploration, college readiness, community service, and awareness.







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