Jeremy Travis


Jeremy Travis, Executive Vice President of Criminal Justice, Arnold Ventures; President Emeritus, John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Co-Founder, The Square One Project

In a long career as a pioneer for criminal justice reform, Jeremy made path breaking contributions to prisoner reentry policy, violence reduction initiatives and strategies for reducing incarceration. Most recently at Arnold Ventures, he worked to develop an array of research initiatives to shrink the footprint of the criminal justice system and strengthen community-based strategies for safety.

Before moving to Arnold Ventures, Jeremy was President of John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York, the Director of the National Institute of Justice under Attorney General Janet Reno in the Clinton Administration and Deputy Commissioner for Legal Matters of the New York City Police Department.

In July 2023, Jeremy will become a senior fellow at the Columbia Justice Lab, devoting time to writing and research. With Justice Lab director Bruce Western, he will be writing a book drawing on their collaboration with the Lab's Square One Project. He will also be advising a research team to develop a health and justice data hub that will track the impact of incarceration on New York City neighborhoods.








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