National Urban League’s Urban Pathways Home 3 Program (UPHP) provides correctional pre-release and post-release services and workforce development, leading to the employment of participants returning home in high-demand areas with civil unrest and extensive gaps in services.  

April Is Second Chance Month

The White House has declared April as Second Chance Month. This is an opportunity for us all to recognize the barriers faced by justice-impacted individuals and the comprehensive support needed for them to re-enter society safely and successfully.

On April 25-26th, the National Urban League will bring together affiliates that provide reentry programs to share their best practices, learn alongside one another and recommit resources and services to support people as they work to reach their full potential.

Speakers will include the President and CEO of the National Urban League, Marc H. Morial, Honorable Judge Sawyer from the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, and Chester Hollman III, who works for the Pennsylvania Innocence Project and the Urban League of Philadelphia.


2025 Empowerment Goal:

Every American has access to jobs with a living wage and good benefits

  • Urban League of Columbus
  • Urban League of Louisiana
  • The Austin Area Urban League
  • Urban League of Philadelphia