It's time to pass a STRONG For the People Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act!

Communities of color are seeing threats to our rights and way of life facing threats not seen in decades. The National Urban League fights to protect our progress through the work of our Washington Bureau, the hub of the Urban League’s civic engagement activities.

Prompted by an aggressive and concerted effort to target and undermine the voting in poor and minority communities, the Urban League launched Reclaim the Vote, which works in key affiliate areas to educate citizens on their rights and register them to vote.

There are two voting rights bills on the floor right now, the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act!

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About the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act would strengthen voting rights by expanding and strengthening the government's ability to respond to voting discrimination.

In the 116th Congress: H.R. 4; S. 4263

The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act restores the protections of the Voting Rights Act by:

  • Modernizing the VRA’s formula determining which states and localities have a pattern of discrimination;
  • Ensuring that last-minute voting changes do not adversely affect voters by requiring officials to publicly announce all voting changes at least 180 days before an election; and
  • Expanding the government’s authority to send federal observers to any jurisdiction where there may be a substantial risk of discrimination at the polls on election day or during an early voting period.


About the For the People Act

The For the People Act incorporates key measures that are urgently needed, including automatic voter registration and other steps to modernize our elections; a national guarantee of free and fair elections without voter suppression, coupled with a commitment to restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act; small donor public financing to empower ordinary Americans instead of big donors (at no cost to taxpayers) and other critical campaign finance reforms; an end to partisan gerrymandering; and a much-needed overhaul of federal ethics rules.

In the 116th Congress: H.R. 1; S. 1

Why Vote?

Civil rights are under attack.

Efforts are underway to roll back hard-fought advances in equality of opportunity. We cannot afford to let our voices be silenced.

Our schools are in danger.

Urban public schools are under-funded and civil rights enforcement in education is under attack. We must be a nation that respects educational inclusion.

Everyone deserves healthcare.

Politicians want to repeal and deny access to Obamacare, which will increase the rate of uninsured Blacks. The healthcare for millions depends on you.

Racially-motivated hate crimes are on the rise.

Use of unjustified violence by police against unarmed people of color goes unchecked. Your vote is a voice for those whose lives have been taken.

Follow the money.

Black household income is 40% less than that of White Americans. The poverty rate is more than twice as high. Black workers are paid less than whites at every educational level.


Reclaim Your Vote

Voting is a civil right that all of us are entitled to. Throughout the years, forces from across the nation have developed tactics and drafted laws to suppress the Black vote and advance their interests. This year we are partnering with BET to reclaim our vote with National Black Voter Registration Day on Friday, September 17th.

Tune in to a Facebook Live with National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial and activist Brittany Packnett Cunningham on Thursday, September 16th to learn more about ways to take action and reclaim your vote.

reclaim your vote!