Chelsea Collier

Chelsea CollierChelsea Collier connects the tech, government, and social impact sectors to create smarter cities and more connected communities. She shares information, consults, and convenes sectors though her platform Digi.City. She also serves as the Editor-At-Large for Smart Cities Connect and is Managing Director for Digital Communities for Start Co, a venture development company in Memphis that is focused on entrepreneurship and smart technology to create a more equitable, economically-empowered communities. She completed a 2019 Simon Industrial Fellowship, 2018 Marshall Memorial Fellowship, and a 2016 Eisenhower Fellowship. Her research focuses on smart city policy and global best practices. She lives in Austin, TX where she is active in the local tech and social impact community and co-founded Impact Hub Austin, a local+global network for social good. Her Master's and Bachelor's degrees are from the University of Texas at Austin. (LinkedIn, Twitter)

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