Join Us Virtually

Thursday, December 10, 2020 | 6:00 - 7:45PM ET

The Black Coalition Against COVID and the leading black health professional organizations invite you to join us for Making It Plain – A Town Hall on Understanding the COVID-19 Vaccine. Almost a year into the pandemic, the virus is raging across our nation. A quarter-million Americans – and COUNTING -  have died and more than 10 million have been infected. This town hall is designed to inform our community about the threat this pandemic poses for our survival in addition to sharing the Who, What, Why, When, and Where of COVID vaccines.

We are here to help you understand the answers to the critical questions that affect your life. How sound is the science? Has the vaccine's safety and effectiveness been measured against underlying health conditions that disproportionately impact African Americans? How will the vaccine be distributed and to whom? Who gets priority? Are black professionals involved in the approval process, and if so how? And most pressing of all… will our community accept a proven and safe vaccine? And, what are the consequences if we don’t?

COVID is real. It is devastating. This much-needed discussion offers hope, clarity, and some practical steps forward.


Virtual Series Speakers

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A Love Letter to Black America, from America’s Black Doctors and Nurses

In partnership with the historically Black medical schools, the National Medical Association, and, we are launching the “Love Letter to Black America, from Americas Black Doctors and Nurses” campaign. This initiative is designed to begin a national conversation, speaking directly to our community about the challenges presented by COVID, and to enhance participation in vaccine clinical trials and vaccine acceptance.

You are encouraged to watch the love letter videoYou can find more information about this initiative and add your signature to the love letter by visiting the Black Coalition Against COVID’s website.