Our Programs & Initiatives

Our right to vote is sacred, and it is under attack. We are a leading voice in advocating for the protection of the right to vote for all Americans, regardless of race, gender, religion, or zip code.

Our programs not only advocate for stronger protections but use a coordinated grassroots approach to registering and educating voters nationwide.

Reclaim Your Vote 2024

Reclaim Your Vote is the National Urban League’s flagship civic engagement and voter participation campaign. The campaign engages the entire Urban League movement in mass mobilization efforts for voter registration, election education, and get-out-the-vote. Contributing to this effort will support the vast technology resources needed to perform volunteer recruitment, direct voter outreach, hire local organizers, sponsor on-the-ground activations and events, produce public information materials, campaigns, and media efforts, and support other marketing and exposure efforts throughout the 2024 election cycle.

Civics Education

The National Urban League Civics Project is a civics education program in development by the Equitable Justice and Strategic Initiatives Division in conjunction with the National Urban League Education and Youth Development Department. Our objective is to educate and empower Project Ready middle and high school participants to become more civically minded and engaged in advance of reaching voting age. Contributions to this project will support work across several states to help young people acquire the tools to think critically about elections, credible information, and voter power to effect change in their communities, including curriculum development, staff training, and implementation.

Project CODE

Collaborative Organizations to End Domestic Extremism (Project CODE) is a multi-organizational effort to protect democracy led by the National Urban League and the Anti-Defamation League. The Project convenes civil rights and civil society organizations to address issues of political violence, facilitates new partnerships, and creates community-centered responses to political extremism. Contributions to this project support staff and operational needs, including facilitating monthly meetings, producing symposia, and research and writing associated with this strategic initiative.

Voting in Jail Project

The Voting in Jail Project is a research and advocacy effort that seeks to improve ballot access for individuals who are incarcerated but awaiting trial. The project analyzes ballot access statutes and policies across the nation and amplifies legislation that fosters voter participation. Supporting this project would contribute to staff capacity for research, strategy, and advocacy efforts.

Census Black Roundtable: EJSI facilitates the Census Black Roundtable to convene partner organizations around advocacy efforts to improve Census data quality, representation, and Census outreach and participation efforts by engaging the White House, the Census Bureau, the Office of Management and Budget, Congress, and other institutional stakeholders. Contributions to this effort will support staff and operational needs in anticipation of Census 2030, which has already begun.

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