Brittany Packnett Cunningham

Brittany Packnett Cunningham is a social justice activist, educator and writer. Leading at the
intersection of culture and justice, she has and continues to build platforms to amplify, educate,
and activate everyday people to take transformative action against every form of injustice.
She is an NBC News and MSNBC contributor, former co-host of iHeart Radio’s Best Political
Podcast of 2019, Pod Save The People, and is currently readying her own media platform from
which to host broader conversations on social change. She is the founder and principal of Love
& Power Works, a full-service social impact and equity agency. Brittany’s forthcoming book, We
Are Like Those Who Dream, is due to hit shelves in 2021.

Brittany is a former elementary teacher, education executive and two-time Fellow at Harvard’s
Institute of Politics. In the past, Brittany held top roles at Teach For America, was a
Congressional policy advisor, and co-founded Campaign Zero, leveraging her management,
communications, policy and equity skillset on broad justice issues from public education to
criminal justice. Brittany was a member of President Obama’s 21st Century Policing Task Force
and the Ferguson Commission. helping lead the country and her community through change
during times of tumult.

Brittany has graced the cover of Essence Magazine, been listed as one of Time’s 12 New Faces
of Black Leadership, and has been honored by BET, Politico Magazine, Marie Claire, The Trayvon
Martin Foundation and more. She serves on the Gucci Changemakers Council and the Sephora
Equity Advisors Board. She and her husband live in Washington, DC.