Regroup, Refocus, Renew: Managing Self Care in a Pandemic

Thursday - September 24, 2020 - 5PM

Distancing and isolation under COVID continue to save lives and slow the spread, but the cost to our mental and emotional health is high. For many professional people, each day is a struggle to stave off stress, depression, and anxiety about what’s to come. The path to restorative wellness starts within, and our panel of experts and influencers will offer steps you can take right now to self-manage your mental health amidst the uncertainty. Whether it’s the restorative value of outdoor walks, daily exercises to improve mental fitness and engagement, or fresh tips for better time management, this session is all about exploring positive coping mechanisms for managing self-care. Drop by to regroup, refocus and renew!


​Shanti Das, Entertainment Industry Vet, Speaker, Author and Philanthropist & Founder, Silence of Shame


Karen Civil, Entrepreneur, Speaker & Philanthropist Dr. Spirit, Psychotherapist & Media Personality
Keri Hilson, Singer, Songwriter, Producer, & Actress