Reclaim Your Vote

The National Urban League recently launched its “#ReclaimYourVote” initiative, a nationwide grassroots effort to maximize minority voter participation and access in 2020. The U.S. Supreme Court’s gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2013 opened the door to a wave of state-level voting restrictions that disproportionately impact black and brown communities. Among them: sweeping voter roll purges, onerous ID laws, the elimination of same-day registration, and targeted polling place closures. These efforts, according to an MIT study, resulted in more than 1 million lost votes in 2016, With November 2020 election rapidly approaching, the extraordinary COVID pandemic emergency added yet another barrier to voter access.

This session details how the Urban League and its community partners are fighting to “Reclaim Your Vote.” Learn about aggressive community-based voter education and registration efforts underway, and how activists are working at the local and national levels to ensure the integrity and accessibility of voting options, from early voting to mail-in ballots to safe-distancing at the polls. Community engagement is reclaiming the vote for millions of Americans. Find out what you can do to build momentum for November.


Tamika MalloryCo-Founder, Until Freedom


Judith A. Browne Dianis - Director, Advancement Project

Janai S. Nelson – Associate Director, Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense, and Educational Fund, Inc.

David Johns – National Black Justice Coalition  


Legislative Policy Conference