Racism and the ‘Rona: America’s Mayors Take the Lead on Two Pandemics

The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic and the vast justice protests spurred by the murder of George Floyd were both severe, unforgiving tests of American leadership. Unfortunately, the absence of a coherent, coordinated federal response to COVID opened the door to the unchecked spread of the virus, a shattered economy, and a needlessly politicized debate over masks and distancing. Meanwhile, the implementation of federal force to quell protests, overriding local authorities, has set the stage for a constitutional and humanitarian crisis.

The mayors of some of the hardest-hit cities – many heavily populated by African Americans – have stepped into the breach, taking extraordinary steps to assume responsibility for the health, safety, and liberty of their constituents. For our mayors’ panel, we’ve invited Chicago Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot of Chicago, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, national newsmakers who are rising to the moment. Join us for a lively discussion of the challenges facing our cities, and our nation, in the months ahead.