Protest to Power: It’s Time to Show Our Strength at the Polls

In 2020, Americans of conscience – of all races and backgrounds – took to the streets in cities across the country to demand justice for George Floyd, Breanna Taylor, and all victims of police violence. More broadly, protesters called for a new era of accountability and transformation, an end to systemic racial bias not only in our justice system, but in health care, education, allocation of services, media representation, and employment. We’ve seen early successes, but what’s the next step? How do we build on the energy of protest to bring about the changes we need?

The answer lies in the power of our vote. Amidst the unique challenges of COVID and coordinated voter suppression efforts nationwide, our panelists will share strategies for maximizing Black voter engagement and access in November. It’s time to take back our power. Voting is the ultimate form of protest.