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Irmine A. Butts has served as a Curriculum Support Specialist in the Education Transformation Office (ETO) of Miami-Dade County Public Schools since 2011. During this time, she has supported district tiered schools in the area of English Language Arts. Mrs. Butts has been involved in facilitating sessions to connect community stakeholders and school principals, developing conferences and workshops focused on strategic planning and school improvement in grades K-12, and creating sessions to draw awareness to trauma-informed instructional practices and the impact of adverse childhood experiences. Most recently, Mrs. Butts worked on the professional development team of ETO.

Prior to becoming an ETO Curriculum Support Specialist, Mrs. Butts served as a Reading Coach for nearly six years in the Miami-Dade County Public School System. During her tenure as a Reading Coach, she provided professional development to teachers and staff, led collaborative planning sessions, developed student-centered activities, shared research-based methods, facilitated conversations centered on vertical articulation instructional practices, and led conversations to assist teachers in making data driven decisions.

Mrs. Butts holds Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Education from Florida International University. She also has an Educational Specialist degree in Educational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University. After 18 years in education, Mrs. Butts desires to extend her reach beyond the school site and district into educational policy. She has a desire to assist in the reformation and development of our public education system, wanting to use her talent and perspective to create a system where policies and human capital are distributed equally across diverse communities.



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