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Dana Massie is a native New Yorker who was born, raised, and resides in Harlem. Dana received both her Bachelor's in Applied Psychological Studies and Master's in Management and Systems, Database Technologies from New York University (NYU). Dana loves learning, electronics, the evolution of technology, the workings of the humanmind, helping people through ministry, volunteering and community service, positive outcomes for groups that are considered marginal (specifically and especially where disparities exist), and organization / structure. These 7 things have been woven through the fabric of her personal, academic, and professional lives and have been integral to shaping her skills, goals, and interests.

Dana has over 16 years of data and database management experience having worked in various industries / environments including education institutions, hospitals, and start-ups. Dana is currently a Database Manager at the Lycée Français de New York, a French-American Pre K-12 Independent School. In her role, Dana is responsible for the governance of school-wide data, implementing new systems, ensuring the schools’ compliance with State and Federal laws, and developing and enforcing policies and procedures to ensure data security, compliance, and quality. At work, Dana also participates in initiatives outside of the scope of her position in areas that she is passionate about as a member the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and the Professional Learning Design Team. Dana is a long-standing member of various professional organizations. She currently serves on the Executive Leadership Team of the New York Urban League Young Professionals (NYULYP) as the chapters’ Parliamentarian, she is a member of the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP), and she is on the board of the New York City Black Women's Political Club (BWPC).

When she is not managing data and volunteering for causes that she is passionate about, Dana absolutely loves to travel, exploring the US and the world.



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