Urban League Hosts Hundreds Hoping to Get their Records Expunged

By National Urban League
Published07 PM EST, Tue Dec 31, 2024
ULOKC Record Expungent.jpeg

Hundreds gathered Saturday (August 21st) at the Urban League of Greater Oklahoma City (Oklahoma City, OK) for the opportunity to clear their criminal records at its first Expungement Expo.

Getting your record expunged is difficult and can cost around $2,500.

The Urban League and other partners are guiding people through it and covering the cost, helping them get better jobs and opportunities in the future.

On Saturday there was a ceremony for 20 people who finished the four-month process of getting their records expunged.

For some it has been a long time coming.

“It’s a game changer," said Tiffany Mason, one of the 20 who finished the process.

Mason had a minor felony on her record since 1994 and says she hasn't been in trouble since.

She says that has made it difficult to find a job.

"It’s been hard, because they judge you by your past," Mason said. "Even if you’ve paid your debt to society, they still judge you by your past regardless."

Now, Mason plans to become a pharmacy technician.

The Urban League expected 200 more people to show up Saturday to start the process.

They ended up seeing more than 600.

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