Exploring the Impact of Racism on the Health of Communities of Color

The virtual series that accompanied the release of the National Urban League’s 2020 State of Black America Report included a panel on the dual pandemics of racism and COVID-19, where public health experts and activists discussed the unique set of circumstances Black Americans face while confronting systemic racism and the novel coronavirus. This briefing continues that conversation with a panel that builds the case for why racism should be addressed as a public health crisis, what power such declarations hold, and what actions should accompany them.

Virtual Series Speakers

Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh
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Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
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Dr. Tekisha Dwan Everette
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U.S. Representative Robin Kelly (IL-02) 
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Dr. Aletha Maybank
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Marc H. Morial
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Clint Odom
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Priscilla A. Ross
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