Mississippi State Flag Vote Demonstrates The Power of Standing Firm Against Racial Intimidation

By National Urban League
Published09 PM EST, Tue Jan 21, 2025
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NEW YORK (June 29, 2020) -- National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial today called Mississippi’s move to replace its state flag a long overdue step away from its Jim Crow past.

“Confederate symbols represent a resistance to civil rights and racial equality,” Morial said. “The Confederacy committed treason and waged war on the United States of America in order to preserve the institution of slavery. There’s no excuse for celebrating or honoring a legacy of white supremacy, and the Mississippi legislature has finally recognized that.”

Morial credited a long line of legislators and activists who have pushed for change, as well as the current anti-racism demonstrations. The Southeastern Conference’s threat to withhold championship events was a major factor, he said.

“It falls to honorable leadership in businesses, government and community organizations to draw a definitive line and say we will not be a party to racial intimidation,” Morial said.  “This vote shows the power of standing together.”

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